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Free Tax Prep

AARP Tax-Aide provides free tax prep for low & middle-income taxpayers, with special attention to seniors. Appointments fill up quickly! Call 860-828-7126 or visit the library.

Fine-ally Free!

Berlin-Peck Memorial Library is doing away with overdue fines!

November 17, 2021

The Berlin Peck Memorial Library is proud to announce that on December 1, 2021, we are going fine free!

You will no longer be charged overdue fines on items checked out at the Berlin Peck Memorial Library.


Why eliminate overdue fines?

The Library strives to provide equal access to information, services, and opportunities to all. We believe fines create an economic barrier to that access.

By eliminating fines, we can enrich the lives of everyone in the community.

Want to know more?


Will everything be fine free?

Yes! As long as you check out at the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library, you will not be charged overdue fines. That means you need to visit the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library—including our curbside pickup and homebound delivery services—for your items to be fine free. We must respect the loan rules of other libraries, so items checked out anywhere outside the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library may still receive overdue fines.

There are some exceptions. You will still be responsible for the following fines and fees:

  • Replacement fees for lost or damaged items
  • Overdue fines for items checked out at other libraries
    • Even if those items are owned by Berlin-Peck
    • Even if you are Berlin-Peck patron

Items that are overdue for more than 30 days will be assumed lost and you will be charged the full replacement cost of the item. This charge will be waived in full when the item is returned.


What about the overdue fines already on my account?

Gone! Effective December 1, 2021, all overdue fines incurred on items checked out at the Berlin-Peck Memorial Library have been removed.

Remember, this only applies if the item was checked out at Berlin-Peck. You may still have fines from another library.


Does fine-free mean I don’t have to return my books?

No. Removing fines does not remove the responsibility patrons take on when they borrow our items. You are still responsible for returning items on their due date.

Due dates have not changed. Visit the Loans & Fees page for a full list of borrowing rules. If an item can be renewed, our system will automatically renew it for you. Automatic renewal will happen a few days before the due date.

Once an item has been overdue for 30 days, you will be charged the full replacement cost of the item. This charge will be waived in full when the item is returned. Cards with $25.00 or more in fines will be restricted from borrowing library materials.


Will I still receive reminders?

Yes! You will still receive courtesy notices via email to remind you to return your materials so that others may enjoy them.


Questions or concerns? Feel free to call the Library at 860-828-7125 or email