Useful Websites
Career & Job Search
Resources to help you in your career and job search.

Search for a Job
Search job listings, research potential employers, and upload your resume to let employers find you.
Search job listings and research potential employers.
CT Hires
Search job listings.
Government Jobs
USA Jobs
Apply for jobs in the Federal Government and upload your resume for recruiters to find you.
State Job Openings
From the Connecticut Department of Administrative Services.
Judicial Branch Job Openings
From the Connecticut Judicial Branch.
Job Search Guidance
JobNow Library Subscription!
Get live job coaching, resume assistance, computer training, and more to help with your job search.
VetNow Library Subscription!
Get live job coaching and help transitioning your resume from military to civilian careers.
Connecticut Department of Labor
Services for unemployment, training, law and workplace safety, and more.
Explore which careers are right for you, find training, search for jobs, and more.
GCFGlobal from Goodwill Community Foundation
Self-paced video tutorials on career planning, job search, job applications, and workplace skills.
Education and Testing
JobNow Library Subscription!
Training and practice tests in hundreds of subject areas, including AP subjects, career certifications, GED, GRE, GMAT, and more. Login with your Berlin library card.
mySkills myFuture
Enter your current or past job, and discover careers and job openings with similar skills.
Find the job or field that’s right for you, based on job descriptions, skills, interests, outlooks, and more.
My Next Move
What would you like to do for a living?
Academic Program Search
Search for degree and certificate programs by field of study. From the state Office of Higher Education.
Other Tools
Connecticut Department of Labor
Online information center for workforce services and programs in Connecticut.
- Unemployment Services
- Wage Laws and Workplace Safety
- Employment Training
- Veterans Services
- Apprenticeship
CT Transit
Connecticut public transportation services, schedules, alerts, information, tickets, and more.
Connecticut 211
Connecticut community services for food, mental health, healthcare, housing, transportation, income, and utility assistance.